Saturday, July 28, 2007 1:23 AM
28th July 2007, Saturday
As usual, blogging here every week, for the purpose.
I had my IFC, which means Indivudial Field Craft. Took about the whole day to master the art of outfield in the future.
Sheesh.....Slack, slack and slack. That's the only thing to describe about it.
But did you know that I can see my bunch of mates true colours if they were too shack. What can I do?
I hate sands. Sands protuding around my body even in my undergarment. So irrating.
What I have learnt in IFC is to take cover, night discipline and camo my face with black and green and concealment my body with different kinds of ferns, leaves and with that I went to hide and seek, to test whether I have sufficent amount to hide so that no one can see me while I can see them what are they doing.
Later that night, I have to maintenance my weapons to wipe off the sands particles and mud stains.
FIrst time of my life in NS, I slept around 12 plus. Damn! Surely not sufficent to sleep undisturbly.
Even now I have Panda eyes.
I am quite happy that I took pictures yesterday. That's all.
Saturday, July 21, 2007 8:02 AM
21st July 2007, Saturday
Dear diary,
I was strolling at the OG Departmental store and I did saw a fantastic variety of Transformer toy.
I saw something that catches my attention, which was the Bumblebee.

I bought it due to the custom-made, I mean the stripes vinyl on the body kit and the transformation which was damn cool.
Also the Limited Edition was the most important part which leads me to buy.
Especially in the movie, the girl, whatever, describe her in 3 things. Hot, Goregous and sexy.
Friday, July 20, 2007 11:35 PM
21st July 2007, Saturday
Dear diary,
This week for me was a very hectic one, compared to last 2 weeks ago. Its all about toning up my muscles.
Good thing about toning up improves my chin-up.
I had a Weapon Technical Handling training and also a test. Shuts! Feeling frustrated on how to handle it. The purpose of handling a weapon is useful for live firing which I will be taking in 2 weeks time.
Woo Hoo!! I can get to feel the weapon of destruction or should I say my wife of defensive.
Thought not only a girl can protect me but this one too.
Speaking of tests, I have to memorise the physical characteristics, Stripping and Assenbling the weapon, the shooting position, IA Drills, Weapon and Unloading and lastly, how to load the magazine rounds in the fastest way.
Wow, at first I was not confident at all. But after a few practices, I can make it.
Relax and patience will lead to preseverance and success.
To accomplish all the test stations, let me share on how the test is conducted:
Strip weapon = 45 sec
Assemble weapon = 60 sec
Load weapon = 17 sec
Unload weapon = 20 sec
Load Magazine with 30 rounds = 50 sec
To my amazement, I scored full marks. I was very shocked when the results was announced.
As a oustanding performance, I was rewarded with a $100 dollars, cold hard cash.
Thanks to the support from my friends especially Taufiq, who have given me much encouragement.
Thursday, July 12, 2007 9:38 PM
13th July 2007, Friday
Well today is Friday the 13th. Nothing else.
Basically yesterday I went for the Air Rifle training. Trained to be the best shooter for the competition.
Not too bad for the beginners, like me. I had my first shot and I did targeted around the black circle radius. Total shot allowed was 5 and I did managed to get 30 points out of 35.
There were 2 types of weapons that I used. One was the Rifle and the other one was the Pistol.
Kinda stressed actually. The target was like the size of the dot.
Range from me to the target was 20m away.
Luckily the veterans taught me the ways to handle and the tips of shooting the target accurate.
With the knowledge given by the veterans, I had about 2 more lessons to learn so the next time i shoot again, it will be better than the previous one.
Friday, July 06, 2007 6:14 AM
6th July 2007, Friday
Well, I am back guys! Days of torment, hardship and horrendous exercise. I am on a mission these past 3 weeks and I am glad I am back safe and sound.
I had so much fun in NS. Made quite a lot of bunk-mates, officers and commanders.
Most of my bunk-mates are quite friendly, funny and so outgoing. We treated each other like brothers. We share stories, helped each other and sacrifice all the burden that we had.
As for the food, it was improved sometimes. i beg to differ for those who did not like the rations.
We had a lot of strenuous exercise such as Combat P.T 2, Ability Group Run, Speed Training and Route Marching 3km. Phew......
So far, I will be attending the upcoming competition, which is the Air Rifle Competition. Can't wait to feel and shoot it.
Anyways, to all the other current NS mates, I wish you all the best and gonna miss you till the very end.
To Taufiq, Hope you do your very best for the shooting. Make it a Marksmanship so that you will be crowned with the badge on your arms.