Wednesday, June 13, 2007 12:35 AM
13th June 2007, Wednesday
For all these years, I would like to thank all the people who had given me that much encouragement, loyalty and friendship.
I would like to thank all the MIC Studio peeps including those in charge, to all my classmates, schoolmates who had come a long journey with me.
Less than 12 hours to my enlistment.
Went for a haircut, a bald one. Not too short. Just nice that looks like a brush swanging on my head. Looks intriguing to me. This was my 2nd time I had this syle of my hair. First one was around 9 years ago.
Saturday, June 09, 2007 10:45 PM
10th June 2007, Sunday
BBQ Gathering was a whacko, fun and peaceful day. We had our BBQ at Pasir Ris Park. So beautiful, breezy and fresh.
Pitching the tents for the things to be put in, setting up the BBQ and preparing the food while waiting for them to arrive, especially the guest of the day.
Quite sad as Maimunah, her sister, Hidayah and Aisha Chop Chop. They can't make it on the gathering. And also no picture taking too. Never mind, I will uncover all the things that happened on the day itself to you all soon.
It takes the fire to spread around the BBQ about 45 mins to an hour. What a job to do. Can't imagine that I did the job for the whole day and including the cooking.
Nontheless, I did not complain. Actually I did enjoyed alot.
Cheesy Hotdogs, Marinated Chicken Wings, Crab Sticks, Tiger Prawns, Marshmallows and as for the drinks, Fruit Punch. Yummy to the top!
Ain was the last to arrive. But I really have to thank her and her friends too. Although we did not invite them but they came just to put on a good show. Thanks a lot Ain. You have contributed well enough. Appreciation to you is the greatest honor of my entire life.
Friday, June 08, 2007 8:31 PM
9th June 2007, Saturday
Me and J.Y had a Chalet gathering with some of our friends. Kinda outgoing and fun out there. After putting the stuff out there at the Chalet, we headed at the next stop: Old Changi Hospital. Its a very, very Isolated, errie, creepy and the largest. Lots of graffitti at the inside and the outside.
We were there investigating roughly about 2 hours. We went to various facilities such as the Mortuary, toilet, pantry, Lifts, rooftop and the old ward. Nothing happened. Its just a feeling of scariness.
After that, we had BBQ. Hot Dogs, Crab Stick, Stingray, Chicken Wings, Sambal Squid and Marshmallows. Yummy!
8:15 PM
9th June 2007, Saturday

Basically, I had a very wonderful feeling on the day that we had for the gathering. We had the ex-sembawang sec gathering with all of my good friends.. everyone was there..
nis,aziah,khai,fad,sean,naz,opit,hakim,haidar,ithnin.. woooo! really miss them...
We suprised fad,by giving him a surprise advance birthday celebration.. haha.. His face turned red... muahahaha!!we head to LPS for dinner.. good food... we ordered mainly seafood dish... yummy.. and spent a wooping $120 on the bill.. but that's ok.. the most important thing is that we really enjoyed all of the food... finger licking good!! =)
Plus we took pictures on the way home. It is a tribute of our memories. Tons of it! A lot of pictures.